The paper reports the detection, at 9.94 GHz, of a new methanol emission line, 9(-1)-8(-2) E in observations made during April 2-3, 1992 with the 43-m NRAO radio telescope at Green Bank (West Virginia). From a sample of 11 sources, three were detected in emission for the 9(-1)-8(-2) E line: Orion-KL, Sgr B2, and W33 Met. The line in W33-Met shows properties of class I masers, while in Orion-KL and in Sgr B, the line is thermal. No lines were detected in the 4(3)-5(2) A(+) (at 9.98 GHz) and 4(3)-5(2) A- (at 10.06 GHz) transitions, which, according to theoretical predictions, might show maser emission. |