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DEG06 - High-Resolution Observations of Water Masers in Bok Globules

  Interferometry data

Short title: de Gregorio-Monsalvo et al. (2006)
Authors: de Gregorio-Monsalvo, Itziar Gomez, Jose F. Suarez, Olga Kuiper, Thomas B. H.Anglada, GuillemPatel, Nimesh A.Torrelles, Jose M.
Journal: The Astronomical Journal, Volume 132, Issue 6, pp. 2584-2595.
Bibcode: 2006AJ....132.2584D
  • Detection table from de Gregorio-Monsalvo et al. (2006)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak Fpeak Telescope Configuration Vstep Beam PA Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (Jy) (km/s) (arcsec) (deg.) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+00 28 42.612+56 42 1.17119.798639-6.033092G119.799-6.032
    CB 3 Image Descr 22 GHz; -78.4 .. -371.29 .. 68.19NRAOVLACnB0.660.55 x 0.2581+H2O +CH3OH I -CH3OH II +OH SFR1995 Oct 28
    +00 28 42.6078+56 42 1.105-63 mas-65 mas119.798628-6.0331091(A)CB 3-371.29 (0.03)
    +00 28 42.612+56 42 1.170 mas0 mas119.798639-6.0330922(B)CB 3-51.468.19 (0.04)
    +00 28 42.6111+56 42 1.156-13 mas-14 mas119.798637-6.0330963(C)CB 3-57.42.77 (0.03)
    +00 28 42.6105+56 42 1.1493-22.6 mas-20.7 mas119.798635-6.0330974(D)CB 3-67.219.78 (0.04)
    +00 28 42.6122+56 42 1.1673 mas-3 mas119.798639-6.0330935(E)CB 3-78.42.86 (0.03)
    2+07 04 21.217-16 23 15228.991297-4.620475G228.991-4.621
    CB 5422 GHz; 15.8 .. 17.80.087 .. 0.129NRAOVLACnB0.660.93 x 0.4473+H2O -CH3OH I SFR2004 Feb 2
    +07 04 20.7843-16 23 21.3-6490 mas-6300 mas228.992076-4.6228101ACB 5417.80.087 (0.005)
    +07 04 20.7858-16 23 21.293-6467 mas-6293 mas228.992077-4.6228032BCB 5415.80.129 (0.005)
    3+17 53 5.882-08 33 38.1718.5145078.843746G18.512+8.846
    CB 10122 GHz; 29.50.499NRAOVLACnB0.660.99 x 0.3968+H2O -CH3OH I SFR_MIXED2004 Feb 3
    +17 53 5.88192-08 33 38.17080 mas0 mas18.5145078.8437461ACB 10129.50.499 (0.003)
    4+21 37 11.402+43 20 38.2689.642983-6.625164G89.642-6.625
    CB 232 Image Descr 22 GHz; 10.146.568NRAOVLACnB0.661.08 x 0.6753+H2O -CH3OH I -CH3OH II SFR2004 Feb 3
    +21 37 11.4019+43 20 38.25960 mas0 mas89.642982-6.6251641ACB 23210.146.568 (0.006)

    Non-detection table from de Gregorio-Monsalvo et al. (2006)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec l b Group id Source name Line Telescope Configuration Vstep Beam PA Detection Class Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (arcsec) (deg.) Yes/No
    1+16 30 43.7109-23 39 7.736354.33244416.662112G354.332+16.662
    CB 6522 GHz; NRAOVLABnA0.660.28 x 0.1886+H2O SFR2005 Feb 12
    2+19 45 23.863+27 50 57.8463.5976121.687408G63.598+1.687
    CB 20522 GHz; NRAOVLACnB0.660.86 x 0.7948+H2O -CH3OH I -CH3OH II SFR_MIXED2004 Feb 3

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