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YAM16 - The far distance to G7.47+0.06 from proper motion measurement of H2O masers

  Interferometry data

Short title: Yamauchi et al. (2016)
Authors: Yamauchi, AyaYamashita, KazuyoshiHonma, MarekiSunada, KazuyoshiNakagawa, AkiharuUeno, Yuji
Journal: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 68, Issue 4, id.60 12 pp.
Bibcode: 2016PASJ...68...60Y
  • Detection table from Yamauchi et al. (2016)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak Fpeak Epoch Telescope Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (Jy/beam) # Yes/No (kpc)
    1+18 02 13.179-22 27 58.967.4706940.0583785G7.470+0.060
    G7.47+0.06 Image Descr 22 GHz; -16.796.29VERA+H2O -CH3OH I -CH3OH II SFR20 (2)2009 Mar - 2011 Dec
    +18 02 13.1823-22 27 58.9573649.5 mas2.72 mas7.4707010.05836811 G7.47+0.06-17.04 3.78 2009/062
    +18 02 13.1820413-22 27 58.9619545.62 mas-1.87 mas7.4706990.05836822 G7.47+0.06-16.32 1.69
    +18 02 13.1826173-22 27 58.9556954.26 mas4.39 mas7.4707020.05836733 G7.47+0.06-15.90 2.73
    +18 02 13.182242-22 27 58.9581648.63 mas1.92 mas7.4707010.05836841 G7.47+0.06-16.79 6.29 2009/136
    +18 02 13.1819653-22 27 58.9625844.48 mas-2.5 mas7.4706990.05836852 G7.47+0.06-16.03 3.72
    +18 02 13.1825573-22 27 58.9564353.36 mas3.65 mas7.4707020.05836763 G7.47+0.06-15.66 4.13
    +18 02 13.1822347-22 27 58.9596748.52 mas0.41 mas7.4707000.05836871 G7.47+0.06-16.63 4.02 2009/239
    +18 02 13.18215-22 27 58.9615347.25 mas-1.45 mas7.4707000.05836881 G7.47+0.06-16.83 3.89 2010/009
    +18 02 13.1818813-22 27 58.966143.22 mas-6.02 mas7.4706980.05836892 G7.47+0.06-16.11 3.61
    +18 02 13.1824707-22 27 58.9598252.06 mas0.26 mas7.4707010.058367103 G7.47+0.06-15.61 4.00
    +18 02 13.1857387-22 27 59.01059101.08 mas-50.51 mas7.4706950.058349114 G7.47+0.06-13.69 2.22
    +18 02 13.18211-22 27 58.962746.65 mas-2.62 mas7.4706990.058368121 G7.47+0.06-16.97 2.84 2010/151
    +18 02 13.1818307-22 27 58.9675442.46 mas-7.46 mas7.4706980.058368132 G7.47+0.06-16.32 5.21
    +18 02 13.1824293-22 27 58.9608651.44 mas-0.78 mas7.4707000.058367143 G7.47+0.06-15.82 4.39
    +18 02 13.185692-22 27 59.0119100.38 mas-51.82 mas7.4706940.058349154 G7.47+0.06-14.09 1.78
    +18 02 13.1819467-22 27 58.9671144.2 mas-7.03 mas7.4706980.058368161 G7.47+0.06-17.16 3.10 2011/128
    +18 02 13.181666-22 27 58.9717839.99 mas-11.7 mas7.4706960.058368172 G7.47+0.06-16.16 4.97
    +18 02 13.1822693-22 27 58.9653949.04 mas-5.31 mas7.4706990.058367183 G7.47+0.06-15.87 4.11
    +18 02 13.1815753-22 27 58.9731338.63 mas-13.05 mas7.4706960.058368192 G7.47+0.06-16.37 4.75 2011/255
    +18 02 13.182166-22 27 58.9661347.49 mas-6.05 mas7.4706990.058367203 G7.47+0.06-15.48 1.81

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    GLIMPSE 360
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    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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