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QUI19 - Resolving the distance controversy for Sharpless 269. A possible kink in the outer arm

  Interferometry data

Short title: Quiroga-Nunez et al. (2019)
Authors: Quiroga-Nunez, L. H.Immer, K.van Langevelde, H. J.Reid, M. J.Burns, R. A.
Journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 625, id.A70, 12 pp.
Bibcode: 2019A&A...625A..70Q
  • Detection table from Quiroga-Nunez et al. (2019)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak μX μY π Fpeak Epoch Telescope Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (mas/yr) (mas/yr) (mas) (Jy/beam) # Yes/No (kpc)
    1+06 14 37.641+13 49 36.693196.4549957-1.6751918G196.454-1.677
    Sh2-269 Image Descr 22 GHz; VLBA+H2O -CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH SFR4.15 (-0.20 +0.22)Aug 2015 - Oct 2016
    +06 14 37.6409933+13 49 36.6931-0.101 mas-0.02 mas196.454996-1.6751921I Sh2-26919.6 -0.099 (0.019)-0.008 (0.020)0.244 (0.010)95.8 H
    +06 14 37.6426656+13 49 36.69723624.984 mas4.116 mas196.454998-1.6751852II Sh2-26919 0.507 (0.128)0.438 (0.076) 0.5 H
    +06 14 37.6613949+13 49 36.697772305.924 mas4.652 mas196.455034-1.6751193III Sh2-26918.2 0.170 (0.025)0.063 (0.028)0.226 (0.013)1.4 B
    +06 14 37.6537263+13 49 36.587785190.894 mas-105.335 mas196.455046-1.6751604IV Sh2-26920.4 0.763 (0.089)-0.185 (0.139) 0.3 D
    +06 14 37.6483257+13 49 36.549867109.886 mas-143.253 mas196.455045-1.6751855V Sh2-26916.6 -0.187 (0.052)-0.177 (0.057)0.234 (0.033)1.4 O
    +06 14 37.6352126+13 49 36.46044-86.811 mas-232.68 mas196.455041-1.6752436VI Sh2-26919.8 -0.650 (0.147)0.080 (0.050) 12.9 H
    +06 14 37.6018847+13 49 36.026821-586.729 mas-666.299 mas196.455083-1.6754197VII Sh2-26916 -0.111 (0.043)-1.254 (0.024)0.254 (0.026)2.5 P
    +06 14 37.5904662+13 49 35.951251-758.007 mas-741.869 mas196.455079-1.6754708VIII Sh2-26919.2 -0.031 (0.160)-1.580 (0.250) 8.5 O
    +06 14 37.587977+13 49 35.949505-795.345 mas-743.615 mas196.455075-1.6754799IX Sh2-26917.4 1.052 (0.529)-1.959 (0.139) 0.6 A

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    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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