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NAG08 - VLBI Observations of Water Masers in Onsala1: Massive Binary Star-Forming Site?

  Interferometry data

Short title: Nagayama et al. (2008)
Authors: Nagayama, TakumiNakagawa, AkiharuImai, HiroshiOmodaka, ToshihiroSofue, Yoshiaki
Journal: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Vol.60, No.2, pp.183--190
Bibcode: 2008PASJ...60..183N
  • Detection table from Nagayama et al. (2008)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak Fpeak Telescope Vstep RMS Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (Jy) (km/s) (Jy/beam) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+20 10 9.2+31 31 36.0269.540423-0.975952G69.540-0.976
    ON 1 Image Descr 22 GHz; -40.54 .. 58.450.65 .. 28JVN0.210.0450.0034 x 0.013+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH SFR2005 Mar 24 - 2006 Jan 8
    +20 10 9.20852+31 31 36.0678129.04 mas48.58 mas69.540450-0.9759701ON 115.690.65
    +20 10 9.20085+31 31 36.021213.99 mas1.98 mas69.540425-0.9759542ON 115.0621.5
    +20 10 9.20066+31 31 36.023511.04 mas4.29 mas69.540425-0.9759533ON 112.111.03
    +20 10 9.2003+31 31 36.06285.69 mas43.55 mas69.540433-0.9759464ON 1-40.546.82
    +20 10 9.19992+31 31 36.01920 mas0 mas69.540422-0.9759525ON 116.536.75
    +20 10 9.18732+31 31 36.0614-189.05 mas42.17 mas69.540408-0.9759086ON 158.455.5
    +20 10 9.18727+31 31 36.0631-189.71 mas43.91 mas69.540408-0.9759077ON 155.937.53
    +20 10 9.1872+31 31 36.0721-190.73 mas52.9 mas69.540410-0.9759068ON 153.417.9
    +20 10 9.18707+31 31 36.0713-192.73 mas52.05 mas69.540410-0.9759069ON 152.5628
    +20 10 9.14533+31 31 34.3714-818.83 mas-1647.78 mas69.539933-0.97603910ON 110.641.9
    +20 10 9.14504+31 31 34.3687-823.19 mas-1650.52 mas69.539932-0.97603811ON 110.853.69
    +20 10 9.13488+31 31 34.7508-975.58 mas-1268.37 mas69.540001-0.97595012ON 114.851.31
    +20 10 9.13466+31 31 34.7507-978.89 mas-1268.5 mas69.540000-0.97595013ON 111.91.16
    +20 10 9.13452+31 31 34.7519-981.02 mas-1267.26 mas69.540000-0.97594914ON 17.272.23

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    ATLASGAL 870 um
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    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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