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HAC06 - Water Maser Motions in W3(OH) and a Determination of Its Distance

  Interferometry data

Short title: Hachisuka et al. (2006)
Authors: Hachisuka, K.Brunthaler, A.Menten, K. M.Reid, M. J.Imai, H.Hagiwara, Y.Miyoshi, M.Horiuchi, S.Sasao, T.
Journal: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 645, Issue 1, pp. 337-344.
Bibcode: 2006ApJ...645..337H
  • Detection table from Hachisuka et al. (2006)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak μX μY Fpeak Telescope Vstep Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (mas/yr) (mas/yr) (mJy/beam) (km/s) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+02 27 4.8362+61 52 24.607133.94919771.0649199G133.947+1.064
    W3(OH) Image Descr 22 GHz; -50.9304.6VLBA0.224+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH SFR2001 Jan - 2002 May
    +02 27 4.82655933+61 52 24.46255-144.49 mas-144.29 mas133.9491941.06487611 W3(OH)304.6 0.62 (0.13) 2.3 (0.18) 304.6
    +02 27 4.83634733+61 52 24.613112.33 mas6.27 mas133.9491971.06492222 W3(OH)95.8 0.54 (0.28) 2.63 (0.19) 95.8
    +02 27 4.83632333+61 52 24.613361.97 mas6.52 mas133.9491971.06492233 W3(OH)165.5 1.06 (0.06) 1.26 (0.09) 165.5
    +02 27 4.835864+61 52 24.60116-4.92 mas-5.68 mas133.9491981.06491844 W3(OH)335.5 0.97 (0.14) 1.41 (0.19) 335.5
    +02 27 4.835562+61 52 24.60984-9.45 mas3 mas133.9491961.06492055 W3(OH)253.1 0.37 (0.06) 2.73 (0.05) 253.1
    +02 27 4.83555+61 52 24.64026-9.63 mas33.42 mas133.9491931.06492866 W3(OH)367 0.87 (0.11) 2.57 (0.11) 367
    +02 27 4.835644+61 52 24.64053-8.22 mas33.69 mas133.9491931.06492877 W3(OH)127 -0.15 (0.11) 3.06 (0.07) 127
    +02 27 4.83576667+61 52 24.64002-6.38 mas33.18 mas133.9491941.06492888 W3(OH)12.9 0.66 (0.58) 2.88 (0.18) 12.9
    +02 27 4.83587+61 52 24.63926-4.83 mas32.42 mas133.9491941.06492899 W3(OH)20.6 -0.17 (0.17) 2.81 (0.13) 20.6
    +02 27 4.834908+61 52 24.64613-19.26 mas39.29 mas133.9491911.0649291010 W3(OH)72.3 0.83 (0.08) 1.51 (0.2) 72.3
    +02 27 4.83528067+61 52 24.65606-13.67 mas49.22 mas133.9491911.0649321111 W3(OH)255.2 1.09 (0.29) 1.02 (0.18) 255.2
    +02 27 4.83474933+61 52 24.67006-21.64 mas63.22 mas133.9491891.0649351212 W3(OH)126.1 0.42 (0.15) 2.16 (0.09) 126.1
    +02 27 4.83483867+61 52 24.6693-20.3 mas62.46 mas133.9491891.0649351313 W3(OH)170.1 0.4 (0.31) 2.2 (0.62) 170.1
    +02 27 4.83472867+61 52 24.67118-21.95 mas64.34 mas133.9491891.0649351414 W3(OH)77.8 0.47 (0.07) 1.84 (0.2) 77.8
    +02 27 4.83440267+61 52 24.68244-26.84 mas75.6 mas133.9491871.0649381515 W3(OH)55.2 0.01 (0.09) 2.01 (0.04) 55.2
    +02 27 4.83361333+61 52 24.70519-38.68 mas98.35 mas133.9491831.0649431616 W3(OH)102.4 0.08 (0.23) 1.49 (0.08) 102.4
    +02 27 4.79332+61 52 24.69706-643.08 mas90.22 mas133.9491101.0649131717 W3(OH)41.8 2.95 (0.1) 1.82 (0.13) 41.8
    +02 27 4.79293133+61 52 24.6986-648.91 mas91.76 mas133.9491091.0649131818 W3(OH)9.7 1.86 (0.34) 1.94 (0.39) 9.7
    +02 27 4.792842+61 52 24.69911-650.25 mas92.27 mas133.9491091.0649131919 W3(OH)10.4 0.73 (0.1) 1.43 (0.1) 10.4
    +02 27 4.792816+61 52 24.69895-650.64 mas92.11 mas133.9491091.0649132020 W3(OH)35.7 0.47 (0.08) 1.4 (0.06) 35.7
    +02 27 4.79196133+61 52 24.70233-663.46 mas95.49 mas133.9491071.0649132121 W3(OH)22.5 3.96 (0.27) 1.11 (0.14) 22.5
    +02 27 4.79124267+61 52 24.70381-674.24 mas96.97 mas133.9491061.0649132222 W3(OH)7.7 4.59 (0.3) 1.04 (0.41) 7.7
    +02 27 4.79131133+61 52 24.70327-673.21 mas96.43 mas133.9491061.0649132323 W3(OH)2.1 0.07 (0.09) 1.51 (0.1) 2.1
    +02 27 4.79079267+61 52 24.70198-680.99 mas95.14 mas133.9491051.0649122424 W3(OH)6.6 6.86 (0.07) -3.12 (0.15) 6.6
    +02 27 4.78562067+61 52 24.55802-758.57 mas-48.82 mas133.9491101.0648712525 W3(OH)3.5 3.4 (0.04) -0.8 (0.01) 3.5
    +02 27 4.78107867+61 52 24.56785-826.7 mas-38.99 mas133.9491011.0648712626 W3(OH)7.2 3.75 (0.14) -0.53 (0.06) 7.2
    +02 27 4.78104933+61 52 24.56861-827.14 mas-38.23 mas133.9491001.0648712727 W3(OH)2.6 1.26 (1.04) -0.7 (0.01) 2.6
    +02 27 4.78077733+61 52 24.57145-831.22 mas-35.39 mas133.9491001.0648712828 W3(OH)3.2 2.58 (0.23) -0.03 (0.12) 3.2
    +02 27 4.77863133+61 52 24.59472-863.41 mas-12.12 mas133.9490931.0648762929 W3(OH)30 -4.6 (0.34) -0.18 (0.71) 30
    +02 27 4.77332667+61 52 24.60879-942.98 mas1.95 mas133.9490821.0648763030 W3(OH)0.6 -4.01 (0.99) 4 (0.15) 0.6
    +02 27 4.771968+61 52 24.66662-963.36 mas59.78 mas133.9490741.0648903131 W3(OH)32.9 -3.28 (0.24) 3.07 (0.64) 32.9
    +02 27 4.77191333+61 52 24.66718-964.18 mas60.34 mas133.9490741.0648903232 W3(OH)57.2 -5.02 (0.14) 3.01 (0.13) 57.2
    +02 27 4.771144+61 52 24.66132-975.72 mas54.48 mas133.9490731.0648883333 W3(OH)2 -4.77 (0.37) 3.31 (0.1) 2
    +02 27 4.771114+61 52 24.66124-976.17 mas54.4 mas133.9490731.0648883434 W3(OH)2.6 -1.44 (0.14) 1.19 (0.1) 2.6
    +02 27 4.770674+61 52 24.68783-982.77 mas80.99 mas133.9490701.0648943535 W3(OH)283.8 -0.06 (0.06) -3.85 (0.11) 283.8
    +02 27 4.770628+61 52 24.68855-983.46 mas81.71 mas133.9490691.0648953636 W3(OH)658 -1.14 (0.08) 0.81 (0.33) 658
    +02 27 4.77062733+61 52 24.6894-983.47 mas82.56 mas133.9490691.0648953737 W3(OH)70.5 -3.86 (0.04) 0.82 (0.07) 70.5
    +02 27 4.770498+61 52 24.58283-985.41 mas-24.01 mas133.9490801.0648673838 W3(OH)97.7 -2.91 (0.09) 2.81 (0.08) 97.7
    +02 27 4.77027867+61 52 24.68273-988.7 mas75.89 mas133.9490691.0648933939 W3(OH)3.5 -3.2 (0.05) 0.26 (0.13) 3.5
    +02 27 4.76720067+61 52 24.5724-1034.87 mas-34.44 mas133.9490751.0648624040 W3(OH)6.5 -1.93 (0.06) 1.36 (0.09) 6.5
    +02 27 4.69979533+61 52 24.47343-2045.95 mas-133.41 mas133.9489611.0647894141 W3(OH)28.7 -3.48 (0.16) 0.67 (0.17) 28.7
    +02 27 4.687432+61 52 24.69096-2231.4 mas84.12 mas133.9489171.0648364242 W3(OH)121.1 121.1

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    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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