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BAI03A - The disappearance of the 1667-MHz OH maser in IRAS 17436+5003 (HD 161796)

Short title: Bains et al. (2003)
Authors: Bains, I. Yates, J. A. Gledhill, T. M. Richards, A. M. S.
Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 346, Issue 3, pp. L46-L50.
Bibcode: 2003MNRAS.346L..46B
  • Detection table from Bains et al. (2003)

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    Non-detection table from Bains et al. (2003)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec l b Group id Source name Line Fpeak List Detection Class Ref.
    (J2000) (J2000) (deg.) (deg.) OH (Jy) Yes/No
    117 44 54.8+50 02 3877.132430.8713G77.132+30.871
    IRAS 17436+50031.612 GHz; 0.015ENG15-H2O +OH EVOLVEDBAI03A
    217 44 54.8+50 02 3877.132430.8713G77.132+30.871
    IRAS 17436+50031.667 GHz; 0.015ENG15-H2O +OH EVOLVEDBAI03A

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    PACS color (70-160 um)
    SPIRE color (250-500 um)
    GLIMPSE 360
    SDSS color
    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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