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ZHO02 - A water maser flare in W49N. The superposition of the spectra of two component masers

Short title: Zhou et al. (2002)
Authors: Zhou, J. J.Zheng, X. W.Chen, Y. X.
Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.390, p.281-287 (2002)
Bibcode: 2002A&A...390..281Z
  • Detection table from Zhou et al. (2002)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec l b Group id Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak Fpeak Telescope Vstep Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (Jy) (km/s) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    119 10 13.6+09 06 13.443.16690.0105G43.166+0.011
    W49N Image Descr 22 GHz; 10.25600PMODLH0.16252+OH SFR1993 Sep

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    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    GLIMPSE 360
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    SPIRE color (250-500 um)
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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