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VLE06 - The magnetic field in the star-forming region Cepheus A. from H2O maser polarization observations

  Interferometry data

Short title: Vlemmings et al. (2006)
Authors: Vlemmings, W. H. T.Diamond, P. J.van Langevelde, H. J.Torrelles, J. M.
Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 448, Issue 2, March III 2006, pp.597-611
Bibcode: 2006A&A...448..597V
  • Detection table from Vlemmings et al. (2006)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Source name Image Descr. Line Vpeak Fpeak Telescope Vstep RMS Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (Jy/beam) (km/s) (mJy/beam) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+22 56 18+62 01 49109.8709742.114139G109.871+2.114
    Cep A HW2 Image Descr 22 GHz; -21.28 .. 20.751.38 .. 87.44VLBA0.17.0000.0005+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH SFR2004 Oct 03
    +22 56 18.0029+62 01 49.000244.213 mas-0.57 mas109.8709802.1141371Cep A HW2-1.8610.32
    +22 56 18.0029+62 01 48.944243.289 mas-56.585 mas109.8709732.1141232Cep A HW2-3.8316.79
    +22 56 18.0028+62 01 48.944342.75 mas-56.51 mas109.8709732.1141233Cep A HW2-4.129.83
    +22 56 18.0028+62 01 48.953242.29 mas-47.644 mas109.8709742.1141254Cep A HW2-4.2819.09
    +22 56 18.0028+62 01 48.952142.229 mas-48.655 mas109.8709742.1141255Cep A HW2-3.9675.18
    +22 56 18.0023+62 01 49.002334.428 mas1.488 mas109.8709792.1141386Cep A HW2-13.0433.35
    +22 56 18.0023+62 01 49.002833.811 mas1.977 mas109.8709792.1141387Cep A HW2-12.9727.49
    +22 56 18.0022+62 01 48.95432.322 mas-46.771 mas109.8709732.1141268Cep A HW2-1.9487.44
    +22 56 18.0021+62 01 48.953731.031 mas-47.121 mas109.8709732.1141269Cep A HW2-1.6812.81
    +22 56 18.002+62 01 48.953229.643 mas-47.557 mas109.8709722.11412610Cep A HW2-1.28.49
    +22 56 18.0001+62 01 48.99981.963 mas-1.027 mas109.8709752.11413911Cep A HW2-18.833.48
    +22 56 18.0001+62 01 48.99871.04 mas-2.099 mas109.8709742.11413912Cep A HW2-19.043.04
    +22 56 18+62 01 48.99750.082 mas-3.303 mas109.8709742.11413813Cep A HW2-19.4411.47
    +22 56 18+62 01 49.00080 mas0 mas109.8709752.11413914Cep A HW2-15.7278.94
    +22 56 17.9999+62 01 48.9966-0.82 mas-4.152 mas109.8709742.11413815Cep A HW2-19.284.02
    +22 56 17.9999+62 01 49.0006-0.871 mas-0.183 mas109.8709742.11413916Cep A HW2-15.8961.63
    +22 56 17.9999+62 01 48.9994-1.486 mas-1.359 mas109.8709742.11413917Cep A HW2-16.7846.82
    +22 56 18.0617+62 01 49.0143925.674 mas13.463 mas109.8710852.11409118Cep A HW2-14.9118.07
    +22 56 18.0616+62 01 49.0139924.445 mas13.075 mas109.8710852.11409119Cep A HW2-14.9344.81
    +22 56 18.0604+62 01 49.0069906.332 mas6.07 mas109.8710822.11409020Cep A HW2-14.252.76
    +22 56 18.0598+62 01 49.0048896.763 mas3.99 mas109.8710812.11409021Cep A HW2-14.0615.24
    +22 56 18.0597+62 01 49.0042894.765 mas3.352 mas109.8710802.11409022Cep A HW2-13.9921.08
    +22 56 18.0595+62 01 49.0034892.838 mas2.587 mas109.8710802.11409023Cep A HW2-14.0924.33
    +22 56 18.0593+62 01 49.0027890.204 mas1.947 mas109.8710802.11409024Cep A HW2-13.993.79
    +22 56 18.0592+62 01 49.004888.068 mas3.166 mas109.8710802.11409025Cep A HW2-13.553.2
    +22 56 18.0592+62 01 49.0022887.387 mas1.437 mas109.8710792.11409026Cep A HW2-13.733.64
    +22 56 18.059+62 01 49.001885.188 mas0.222 mas109.8710792.11409027Cep A HW2-13.68.03
    +22 56 18.0588+62 01 49.0002882.617 mas-0.579 mas109.8710782.11409028Cep A HW2-13.4711.25
    +22 56 18.0588+62 01 48.9999881.495 mas-0.88 mas109.8710782.11409029Cep A HW2-13.316.95
    +22 56 18.0587+62 01 49.0008880.61 mas0.001 mas109.8710782.11409030Cep A HW2-13.265.86
    +22 56 18.0584+62 01 48.9959876.069 mas-4.921 mas109.8710772.11408931Cep A HW2-12.815.25
    +22 56 18.0583+62 01 48.9949875.052 mas-5.871 mas109.8710772.11408932Cep A HW2-12.815.03
    +22 56 18.0581+62 01 48.9896870.917 mas-11.18 mas109.8710762.11408833Cep A HW2-12.572.48
    +22 56 18.058+62 01 48.9894869.659 mas-11.433 mas109.8710762.11408834Cep A HW2-12.655.84
    +22 56 18.0573+62 01 48.985858.94 mas-15.758 mas109.8710742.11408735Cep A HW2-12.917.85
    +22 56 18.0572+62 01 48.9846857.685 mas-16.246 mas109.8710742.11408736Cep A HW2-12.918.92
    +22 56 18.057+62 01 48.9893855.098 mas-11.502 mas109.8710742.11408937Cep A HW2-14.515.21
    +22 56 18.057+62 01 48.9831854.38 mas-17.668 mas109.8710732.11408738Cep A HW2-12.8356.09
    +22 56 18.0569+62 01 48.9825853.907 mas-18.35 mas109.8710732.11408739Cep A HW2-12.7823.43
    +22 56 18.0096+62 01 48.4699143.668 mas-530.929 mas109.8709282.11399840Cep A HW2-8.2521.04
    +22 56 18.0095+62 01 48.9955142.096 mas-5.32 mas109.8709912.11413041Cep A HW2-8.526.02
    +22 56 18.004+62 01 49.230260.131 mas229.423 mas109.8710092.11419342Cep A HW2-21.281.49
    +22 56 18.004+62 01 49.227160.025 mas226.307 mas109.8710092.11419343Cep A HW2-21.072.28
    +22 56 18.0039+62 01 49.240958.833 mas240.075 mas109.8710102.11419644Cep A HW220.751.38

    DSS colored
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    SPIRE color (250-500 um)
    GLIMPSE 360
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    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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