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SLY09 - Structure of the class I methanol masers OMC-2 and NGC 2264

  Interferometry data

Short title: Slysh & Kalenskii (2009)
Authors: Slysh, V. I. Kalenskii, S. V.
Journal: Astronomy Reports, Volume 53, Issue 6, pp.519-527
Bibcode: 2009ARep...53..519S
  • Detection table from Slysh & Kalenskii (2009)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Line Vpeak Fpeak ∫F dv Telescope Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) CH3OH (class I) (km/s) (Jy) (Jy*km/s) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+05 35 27.813-05 09 42.77208.818107-19.238905G208.816-19.239
    OMC-2 Image 44 GHz (I); 11.942 .. NRAOVLA0.15+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II SFR_MIXEDOctober 1998
    +05 35 27.7109-05 09 46.2016-1530 mas-3430 mas208.818804-19.2397151AOMC-211.942

    Non-detection table from Slysh & Kalenskii (2009)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec l b Group id Source name Image Line Telescope Beam Detection Class Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (deg.) (deg.) CH3OH (class I) (arcsec) Yes/No
    1+05 35 27.813-05 09 42.77208.818107-19.238905G208.816-19.239
    OMC-295 GHz (I); NRAOVLA0.5+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II SFR_MIXEDFebruary 1998
    2+06 41 8.84+09 29 32.54203.3145452.051516G203.316+2.055
    NGC 2264 Image 44 GHz (I); NRAOVLA0.15+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH SFR_MIXEDOctober 1998
    3+06 41 8.84+09 29 32.54203.3145452.051516G203.316+2.055
    NGC 226495 GHz (I); NRAOVLA0.5+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH SFR_MIXEDFebruary 1998

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