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SJO11 - Expanded VLA Detection of 36.2 GHz Class I Methanol Masers in Sagittarius A

  Interferometry data

Short title: Sjouwerman et al. (2011)
Authors: Sjouwerman, L. O. Pihlström, Y. M. Fish, V. L.
Journal: The Galactic Center: a Window to the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies. Proceedings of a workshop held at Shanghai, China on October 19-23, 2009. Edited by Mark R. Morris, Q. Daniel Wang, and Feng Yuan. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2011, p.75
Bibcode: 2011ASPC..439...75S
  • Detection table from Sjouwerman et al. (2011)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Line Vpeak Fpeak ∫F dv Telescope Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) CH3OH (class I) (km/s) (Jy) (Jy*km/s) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+17 45 41.25-29 00 58.1359.939435-0.054264G359.9846-0.0672
    Sgr A Image 36 GHz (I); 21.5 .. 50.70.52 .. 215 .. NRAOVLA0.2 x 0.4+CH3OH I +OH +SiO SFR_MIXED2009 March and April
    +17 45 41.25-29 00 58.10 mas0 mas359.939435-0.05426411Sgr A21.50.95
    +17 45 42.3-29 01 53.415750 mas-55299.6 mas359.928315-0.06553122Sgr A23.10.67
    +17 45 42.41-29 01 58.517400 mas-60399.6 mas359.927314-0.06661133Sgr A25.60.76
    +17 45 43.6-29 00 31.435250 mas26700.4 mas359.950226-0.05771144Sgr A243.86
    +17 45 43.93-29 00 19.740200 mas38400.4 mas359.953627-0.05704455Sgr A50.70.52
    +17 45 49.36-28 58 53.3121650 mas124800 mas359.984421-0.06144166Sgr A45154
    +17 45 49.55-28 59 0.6124500 mas117500 mas359.983051-0.06308877Sgr A48.262.4
    +17 45 50.1-28 59 40.2132750 mas77900.4 mas359.974703-0.07052788Sgr A39.3215
    +17 45 50.45-29 00 5.4138000 mas52700.4 mas359.969390-0.07526099Sgr A49.960.4
    +17 45 52-28 58 53.1161250 mas125000 mas359.989478-0.0696281010Sgr A48.235.1

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    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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