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JOH92 - The distribution of the 6(2)-6(1) and 5(2)-5(1) E-type methanol masers in OMC-1

  Interferometry data

Short title: Johnston et al. (1992)
Authors: Johnston, K. J. Gaume, R. Stolovy, S. Wilson, T. L. Walmsley, C. M. Menten, K. M.
Journal: Astrophysical Journal, Part 1 (ISSN 0004-637X), vol. 385, Jan. 20, 1992, p. 232-239.
Bibcode: 1992ApJ...385..232J
  • Detection table from Johnston et al. (1992)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Line Vpeak Fpeak Major Minor PA Telescope RMS Beam PA Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) CH3OH (class I) (km/s) (Jy) (arcsec) (arcsec) (deg.) (mJy) (arcsec) (deg.) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+05 35 13.616-05 22 23.9948208.9896-19.387191G208.993-19.385
    Orion-KL Image 25.0 GHz (I); 6.96 .. 9.92.8 .. 100.8NRAOVLA30.0003.31 x 2.7118+H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH +SiO SFR_MIXED1988 August 20
    +05 35 14.2337-05 22 15.57959266.92 mas8415.73 mas208.988619-19.38384811Orion-KL9.923.41.000
    +05 35 14.4169-05 22 36.39312015.4 mas-12397.8 mas208.994449-19.38578622Orion-KL9.172.81.900
    +05 35 13.6577-05 22 25.0179626.3 mas-1022.66 mas208.989952-19.38716533Orion-KL9.024.62.700
    +05 35 13.9018-05 22 33.89564287.91 mas-9900.44 mas208.992769-19.38737844Orion-KL9.025.33.600
    +05 35 14.2194-05 22 25.91859051.57 mas-1923.35 mas208.991306-19.38520055Orion-KL8.7328.71.200
    +05 35 13.8692-05 22 41.91343798.87 mas-17918.2 mas208.994809-19.38850666Orion-KL8.586.32.5001.700
    +05 35 13.7204-05 22 25.75241567.68 mas-1757.21 mas208.990269-19.38702577Orion-KL8.2956.91.300
    +05 35 14.2104-05 22 41.19818917.15 mas-17202.9 mas208.995300-19.38715488Orion-KL812.72.5001.200150.000
    +05 35 13.9829-05 22 36.63155504.53 mas-12636.3 mas208.993649-19.38742199Orion-KL85.21.000
    +05 35 15.2379-05 22 45.722524329.5 mas-21727.3 mas208.998533-19.3839211010Orion-KL822.51.500
    +05 35 13.623-05 22 24.0553106.01 mas-60.1375 mas208.989630-19.3871721111Orion-KL8100.81.100
    +05 35 13.9321-05 22 29.90784742.31 mas-5912.59 mas208.991782-19.3867641212Orion-KL7.427.52.2001.600114.000
    +05 35 14.9949-05 22 45.594920685.2 mas-21599.7 mas208.998016-19.3848041313Orion-KL7.4237.73.4001.00084.000
    +05 35 14.7211-05 22 44.975116578.4 mas-20979.9 mas208.997308-19.3857391414Orion-KL7.136.36.2002.700116.000
    +05 35 15.1194-05 22 47.17422552.5 mas-23178.8 mas208.998678-19.3845421515Orion-KL6.967.71.700

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    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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