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CHI14 - Trigonometric parallax of IRAS 22555+6213 with VERA: Three-dimensional view of sources along the same line of sight

  Interferometry data

Short title: Chibueze et al. (2014)
Authors: Chibueze, James O.Sakanoue, HirofumiNagayama, TakumiOmodaka, ToshihiroHanda, ToshihiroKamezaki, TatsuyaBurns, Ross A.Kobayashi, HideyukiNakanishi, HiroyukiHonma, MarekiUeno, YujiKurayama, TomoharuMatsuo, MitsuhiroSakai, Nobuyuki
Journal: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 6, id.104 10 pp.
Bibcode: 2014ApJ...784..114C
  • Detection table from Chibueze et al. (2014)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Descr. Line Vrange Vpeak μX μY π Fpeak Telescope Vstep Detection Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (km/s) (mas/yr) (mas/yr) (mas) (mJy) (km/s) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+22 57 29.806+62 29 46.837110.19609812.4761751G110.200+2.476
    IRAS 22555+6213 Image Descr 22 GHz; -65.9;-67.9-1.040VERA0.42+H2O +CH3OH II 3.18 (+0.90 -0.66)2010 May 28 - 2013 Jan 26
    +22 57 29.8069556+62 29 46.81729414.214 mas-19.666 mas110.1960972.47616911 IRAS 22555+6213- 63.372 -1.86 (0.07)- 0.74 (0.05)0.358 (0.079)
    +22 57 29.8064452+62 29 46.8314366.558 mas-5.524 mas110.1960982.47617322 IRAS 22555+6213- 63.372 -1.97 (0.09)- 0.60 (0.16)
    +22 57 29.806956+62 29 46.81727914.22 mas-19.681 mas110.1960972.47616933 IRAS 22555+6213- 63.793 -1.90 (0.08)- 0.77 (0.08)0.351 (0.085)
    +22 57 29.8064449+62 29 46.8315656.554 mas-5.395 mas110.1960982.47617344 IRAS 22555+6213- 63.793 - 2.03 (0.04)- 0.49 (0.24)
    +22 57 29.806953+62 29 46.81732914.175 mas-19.631 mas110.1960972.47616955 IRAS 22555+6213- 64.215 -1.88 (0.08)- 0.82 (0.07)0.378 (0.084)
    +22 57 29.8069439+62 29 46.81744214.039 mas-19.518 mas110.1960972.47616966 IRAS 22555+6213- 64.636 -1.89 (0.07)- 0.93 (0.12)0.356 (0.039)
    +22 57 29.8063343+62 29 46.8345284.895 mas-2.432 mas110.1960982.47617477 IRAS 22555+6213- 65.057 - 2.19 (0.07)- 0.53 (0.12)0.161 (0.036)
    +22 57 29.8063356+62 29 46.8343874.914 mas-2.573 mas110.1960982.47617488 IRAS 22555+6213- 65.479 - 2.43 (0.07)- 0.39 (0.12)0.155 (0.064)
    +22 57 29.8060146+62 29 46.8369970.099 mas0.037 mas110.1960982.47617599 IRAS 22555+6213- 65.900 - 2.12 (0.21)-1.17 (0.36)0.592 (0.135)
    +22 57 29.8060253+62 29 46.8340580.26 mas-2.902 mas110.1960982.4761741010 IRAS 22555+6213- 65.900 -1.71 (0.03)- 0.70 (0.26)0.243 (0.021)
    +22 57 29.8060164+62 29 46.8369430.126 mas-0.017 mas110.1960982.4761751111 IRAS 22555+6213- 66.321 - 2.28 (0.06)- 0.40 (0.11)0.225 (0.044)
    +22 57 29.806008+62 29 46.836960 mas0 mas110.1960982.4761751212* IRAS 22555+6213- 66.743 - 2.21 (0.06)- 0.45 (0.11)0.243 (0.051)
    +22 57 29.8059982+62 29 46.836999-0.147 mas0.039 mas110.1960982.4761751313 IRAS 22555+6213- 67.164 - 2.17 (0.06)- 0.47 (0.11)0.221 (0.042)
    +22 57 29.8059831+62 29 46.837031-0.373 mas0.071 mas110.1960982.4761751414 IRAS 22555+6213- 67.585 - 2.07 (0.06)0.52 (0.11)0.211 (0.046)
    +22 57 29.805974+62 29 46.837003-0.51 mas0.043 mas110.1960982.4761751515 IRAS 22555+6213- 68.007 -1.95 (0.21)- 0.96 (0.36)0.375 (0.125)

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    GLIMPSE 360
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    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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