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CAS08 - Water maser 353.273+0.641, the prime example of a class dominated by a blueshifted outflow

Short title: Caswell & Phillips (2008)
Authors: Caswell, J. L.Phillips, C. J.
Journal: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 386, Issue 3, pp. 1521-1526.
Bibcode: 2008MNRAS.386.1521C
  • Detection table from Caswell & Phillips (2008)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec l b Group id Source name Image Descr. Line Vrange Telescope Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (deg.) (deg.) H2O (km/s) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    117 26 1.6-34 15 14.7353.27320.6412G353.273+0.641
    353.273+0.641 Image Descr 22 GHz; -70;-40ATCA36 x 26+H2O +CH3OH II SFR2007 May
    217 20 17.8-35 54 42.8351.24290.6708G351.240+0.670
    351.243+0.671 Image Descr 22 GHz; -108;84ATCA36 x 26+OH SFR2007 May

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    ATLASGAL 870 um
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    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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