The nearest found maser object is G49.489-0.387 (offset by 24.1" from input coordinates)

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Search results.

Mean object RA, Dec: 19 23 42 +14 30 34 (290.9252460 14.5094865)
Mean object l, b: 49.489 -0.381
ALMA archive search: Go search (r = 30")

Maser object G49.489-0.387

Other names: 192124.4+142440, 49.49-0.39, 6896, G049.4883-00.3545, G049.4883-00.3545B, G049.489-00.370, G049.489-00.386, G049.4903-00.3694, G49.49-0.39, W51, W51d, W51 d, W51M, W 51M, W51 M, W51 Main, W 51N, W51 N, W 51S, W51 S, 49.473-0.396, 49.481-0.404, 49.486-0.389, 49.488-0.388, 49.489-0.388, 49.490-0.387, 49.490-0.388, 49.49-0.387, 49.49-0.39, G049.469-0.370, G49.466-0.408, G49.469-0.370, G49.469-0.371-1665A, G49.469-0.371-1720A, G49.485-0.380-1720A, G49.488-0.387, G49.488-0.388, G49.489-0.368, G49.489-0.388-1665A, G49.489-0.388-1720A, G49.489-0.388-1720B, G49.490-00.388, G49.490-0.387, G49.490-0.388, G49.49-0.387, G49.49-0.39, G49.491-0.376, G49.492-0.377-1720A, IRAS19213+1424, W51, 49.488-0.388, 49.490-0.388, G49.470-00.371, G49.471-00.369, G49.482-00.402, G49.489-00.369.

Detected/non-detected masers in the object: +H2O +OH

display_aladin("290.9252460","14.5094865","G49.489-0.387","G49.489-0.387","192124.4+142440, 49.49-0.39, 6896, G049.4883-00.3545, G049.4883-00.3545B, G049.489-00.370, G049.489-00.386, G049.4903-00.3694, G49.49-0.39, W51, W51d, W51 d, W51M, W 51M, W51 M, W51 Main, W 51N, W51 N, W 51S, W51 S, 49.473-0.396, 49.481-0.404, 49.486-0.389, 49.488-0.388, 49.489-0.388, 49.490-0.387, 49.490-0.388, 49.49-0.387, 49.49-0.39, G049.469-0.370, G49.466-0.408, G49.469-0.370, G49.469-0.371-1665A, G49.469-0.371-1720A, G49.485-0.380-1720A, G49.488-0.387, G49.488-0.388, G49.489-0.368, G49.489-0.388-1665A, G49.489-0.388-1720A, G49.489-0.388-1720B, G49.490-00.388, G49.490-0.387, G49.490-0.388, G49.49-0.387, G49.49-0.39, G49.491-0.376, G49.492-0.377-1720A, IRAS19213+1424, W51, 49.488-0.388, 49.490-0.388, G49.470-00.371, G49.471-00.369, G49.482-00.402, G49.489-00.369","0")