The nearest found maser object is G300.158-0.086 (offset by 1.3" from input coordinates)

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Search results.

Mean object RA, Dec: 12 27 06 -62 49 35 (186.7756350 -62.8266600)
Mean object l, b: 300.1576 -0.086
ALMA archive search: Go search (r = 60")

Maser object G300.158-0.086

Other names: 12242-6232, G300.1615-00.0877.

Detected/non-detected masers in the object: +H2O -CH3OH II

display_aladin("186.7756350","-62.8266600","G300.158-0.086","G300.158-0.086","12242-6232, G300.1615-00.0877","0")