The nearest found maser object is G213.705-12.597 (offset by 0.4" from input coordinates)
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display_aladin("91.9493330","-6.3824280","G213.705-12.597","G213.705-12.597","060520.3-062254, 06053-0622 (Mon R2), G213.61-12.6, IRAS 06053-0622, Mon R2, MONR2, MON R2, Mon R2 IRS3, Mon R2 IRS 3, MON R2 IRS3, 06053-0622, 213.70-12.6, 213.705-12.597, 213.71-12.60, G213.70-12.6, G213.704-12.59, G213.705-12.597, G213.706-12.602, G213.71-12.60, Mon R2, G213.70-12.60, MONR2, G213.705-12.597, G213.706-12.60, G213.706-12.602, MonR2","0")