The nearest found maser object is G210.435-19.766 (offset by 6.0" from input coordinates)
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display_aladin("84.0794110","-6.7600740","G210.435-19.766","G210.435-19.766","05338-0647, 1198, L1641-VLA1, 05338-0647, (63) HH 1-2, HH 1, HH147 MMS, HOPS 165, HOPS 166, HOPS 167, IRAS 05338-0647, IRAS 05339-0647, VLA1, 210.42-19.76, G210.43-19.74, G210.44-19.75, G210.44-19.76, G210.45-19.76, HH147 MMS, HOPS 165, HOPS 166, IRAS 05338-0647","0")