The nearest found maser object is G174.198-0.077 (offset by 24.7" from input coordinates)
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display_aladin("82.7000000","33.7977780","G174.198-0.077","G174.198-0.077","05 27+33 45, 05274+3345, 05274+3345 (AFGL 5142), AFGL5142, AFGL 5142, AFGL 5142 MM-1, G174.1974-00.0763, IRAS 05274+3345, WB652, 05274+3345, 174.19-0.09, 174.20-0.08, 174.201-0.071, AFGL 5142, G174.19-0.09, G174.200-0.070, G174.20-0.08, G174.205-0.069, 05274+3345, 174.201-0.07, G174.1974-00.0763, G174.20-0.08, G174.20-00.08, G174.201-00.071","0")