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PIH11 - Expanded Very Large Array Detection of 44.1 GHz Class I Methanol Masers in Sagittarius A

  Interferometry data

Short title: Pihlstrom et al. (2011)
Authors: Pihlstrom, Y. M. Sjouwerman, L. O. Fish, V. L.
Journal: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 739, Issue 1, article id. L21, 6 pp. (2011).
Bibcode: 2011ApJ...739L..21P
  • Detection table from Pihlstrom et al. (2011)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Line Vpeak Fpeak ∫F dv Telescope Beam Detection Class Dist. (parallax) Date
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) CH3OH (class I) (km/s) (Jy/beam) (Jy/beam*km/s) (arcsec) Yes/No (kpc)
    1+17 45 38.92-29 00 21359.943809-0.041648G359.9846-0.0672
    Sgr A Image 44 GHz (I); 0.13 .. 2.42 .. NRAOVLA1.3 x 0.5+CH3OH I +OH +SiO SFR_MIXED2010 October 16
    +17 45 38.92-29 00 210 mas0 mas359.943809-0.0416481CalibratorSgr A440.13
    +17 45 43.94-29 00 19.575298.8 mas1498.8 mas359.953693-0.0570472CSgr ACalibrator2.1
    +17 45 49.36-28 58 53.3156599 mas87698.8 mas359.984421-0.0614413ESgr A45.20.93
    +17 45 49.56-28 59 0.6159599 mas80398.8 mas359.983070-0.0631194ESgr A46.51.43
    +17 45 49.67-28 58 55.2161249 mas85798.8 mas359.984559-0.0626815ESgr A42.72.42
    +17 45 49.89-28 59 4.5164549 mas76498.8 mas359.982771-0.0647106ESgr A36.91.47
    +17 45 50.48-29 00 05173399 mas15998.8 mas359.969542-0.0752967DSgr A49.90.55
    +17 45 50.48-28 58 48.7173399 mas92298.8 mas359.987638-0.0642618ESgr A59.50.5
    +17 45 50.49-28 59 7.6173549 mas73398.8 mas359.983174-0.0670269ESgr A42.80.45
    +17 45 50.65-28 59 8.8175949 mas72198.8 mas359.983193-0.06769710ESgr A280.74
    +17 45 51.41-28 59 10.2187349 mas70798.8 mas359.984303-0.07026411ESgr A44.20.45
    +17 45 51.55-28 58 53.7189449 mas87298.8 mas359.988482-0.06831412ESgr A46.70.51
    +17 45 51.62-28 58 26.5190499 mas114499 mas359.995066-0.06459913ESgr A52.70.56
    +17 45 51.88-28 58 52.9194399 mas88098.8 mas359.989298-0.06922514ESgr A47.12.39
    +17 45 52.12-28 58 55.4197999 mas85598.8 mas359.989161-0.07033415ESgr A45.90.64
    +17 45 52.16-28 58 22.3198599 mas118699 mas359.997087-0.06567216ESgr A55.41.11
    +17 45 52.43-28 58 58.2202649 mas82798.8 mas359.989085-0.07170317ESgr A43.70.58
    +17 45 52.55-28 58 56.8204449 mas84198.8 mas359.989644-0.07187418ESgr A45.70.6

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    GLIMPSE 360
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    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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