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MEH97 - 44 GHz Methanol Masers and Quasi-Thermal Emission in Sagittarius B2

  Interferometry data

Short title: Mehringer & Menten (1997)
Authors: Mehringer, David M. Menten, Karl M.
Journal: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 474, Issue 1, pp. 346-361.
Bibcode: 1997ApJ...474..346M
  • Detection table from Mehringer & Menten (1997)

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    ID Obs. RA Obs. Dec RA offset Dec offset l b Group id # Maser spot Source name Image Line Vpeak Fpeak Telescope Beam Dist. (parallax)
    (J2000) (J2000) (mas) (mas) (deg.) (deg.) CH3OH (class I) (km/s) (Jy) (arcsec) (kpc)
    1+17 47 19.7879-28 22 17.29960.677384-0.027155G0.6549-0.0350
    Sgr B2(N) Image 44 GHz (I); 46 .. 77.30.71 .. 9.3NRAOVLA1.4 x 2.4
    +17 47 20.1921-28 22 3.170026061.44 mas14129.2 mas0.681509-0.0263891ASgr B2(N)55.30.79
    +17 47 18.804-28 22 8.27108-14760.3 mas9028.12 mas0.677661-0.0227702BSgr B2(N)67.50.88
    +17 47 18.7145-28 22 9.47761-16103 mas7821.59 mas0.677204-0.0226633CSgr B2(N)70.10.84
    +17 47 19.7147-28 22 9.50485-1100.16 mas7794.35 mas0.679097-0.0258034DSgr B2(N)69.11.97
    +17 47 19.7347-28 22 9.60339-799.494 mas7695.81 mas0.679112-0.0258805ESgr B2(N)65.51.03
    +17 47 19.3851-28 22 10.7288-6043.38 mas6570.36 mas0.678181-0.0249466FSgr B2(N)65.53.44
    +17 47 17.4318-28 22 27.6712-35342.5 mas-10372 mas0.670446-0.0212587GSgr B2(N)61.83.06
    +17 47 17.3961-28 22 37.974-35878.1 mas-20674.8 mas0.667930-0.0226298HSgr B2(N)72.71.38
    +17 47 17.5395-28 22 45.9637-33727.6 mas-28664.5 mas0.666304-0.0242289ISgr B2(N)751.12
    +17 47 18.1109-28 22 49.0221-25156.9 mas-31722.9 mas0.666662-0.02646010JSgr B2(N)770.85
    +17 47 15.9811-28 22 50.4771-57103.5 mas-33177.9 mas0.662272-0.01999111KSgr B2(N)73.73.3
    +17 47 18.3317-28 22 50.8061-21845.2 mas-33506.9 mas0.666658-0.02740912LSgr B2(N)77.30.86
    +17 47 18.4437-28 22 55.698-20164.2 mas-38398.8 mas0.665708-0.02846413MSgr B2(N)72.70.74
    +17 47 18.8361-28 23 1.16958-14278.9 mas-43870.4 mas0.665153-0.03048214NSgr B2(N)64.20.74
    +17 47 18.8476-28 23 4.7688-14106.3 mas-47469.6 mas0.664320-0.03103615OSgr B2(N)67.20.79
    +17 47 17.3877-28 23 5.67502-36004.5 mas-48375.8 mas0.661332-0.02658916PSgr B2(N)460.71
    +17 47 17.8301-28 23 11.1429-29369.1 mas-53843.7 mas0.660873-0.02876317QSgr B2(N)57.21.15
    +17 47 18.4328-28 23 41.2995-20328.5 mas-84000.3 mas0.654852-0.03499218RSgr B2(N)71.49.3

    DSS colored
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    PACS color (70-160 um)
    SPIRE color (250-500 um)
    GLIMPSE 360
    SDSS color
    IRAC color I1,I2,I4
    NVSS (1.4GHz)
    ATLASGAL 870 um
    ATLASGAL 870 um + Planck
    Bolocam 1.1 mm

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