The nearest found maser object is G45.475+0.132 (offset by 14.0" from input coordinates)
Other names: 045.473+0.134, 045.493+0.126, 19117+1107, 19120+0917, 45.47+0.13, 45.473+0.134, 45.49+0.13, 45.493+0.126, G045.472+0.133, G045.492+0.125, G45.47+0.13, G45.4726+0.1335, G 45.473+0.134, G45.49+0.13, G45.4927+0.1251, G 45.493+0.126, G45.493+0.126, 04549+0013, 191147.1+110703, 45.47+0.13, 45.49+0.13, 6743, G045.477+00.135, G045.479+0.134, G045.494+0.125, G45.47+0.13, G45.48+0.13, G45.49+0.13, G45.50+0.12, K 47, 45.47+0.13, G45.47+0.13, G45.472+0.134, G45.473+0.133-1665A, G45.473+0.133-1667A, G45.473+00.134, G45.493+00.126, G45.49+0.13.
Detected/non-detected masers in the object: +H2O +CH3OH I +CH3OH II +OH