The nearest found maser object is G15.034-0.674 (offset by 10.2" from input coordinates)
Mean object RA, Dec: 18 20 23 -16 11 41 (275.0995625 -16.1948195)
Mean object l, b: 15.0312 -0.6751
ALMA archive search: Go search (r = 30")

Maser object G15.034-0.674

Other names: 015.034-0.677, 15.03-0.68, 15.034-0.677, 15.035-0.677, G15.030-0.687-1612A, G15.03-0.68, G15.034-0.677, G15.034-0.677-1665A, G15.035-00.677, IRAS18174-1612, 15.03-0.68, 15.034-0.677, 181733.6-161323, 3103, G014.9790-00.6649, G014.9958-00.6732, G015.013-00.674, G015.031-00.670, G015.0357-00.6795, G14.987-0.670, G15.005-0.695, G15.009-0.688, G15.012-0.671, G15.016-0.679, G15.016-0.702, G15.025-0.658, G15.026-0.654, G15.027-0.651, G15.028-0.673, G15.029-0.703, G15.03-0.67, G15.03-0.68, G15.032-0.667, G15.032-0.670, G15.034-0.667, G15.034-0.677, G15.04-0.68, G15.054-0.641, M17, M 17, M17 (2), M17 (2,3,4), M17 (234), M17 (3), M17 (4).

Detected/non-detected masers in the object: +H2O +OH

display_aladin("275.0995625","-16.1948195","G15.034-0.674","G15.034-0.674","015.034-0.677, 15.03-0.68, 15.034-0.677, 15.035-0.677, G15.030-0.687-1612A, G15.03-0.68, G15.034-0.677, G15.034-0.677-1665A, G15.035-00.677, IRAS18174-1612, 15.03-0.68, 15.034-0.677, 181733.6-161323, 3103, G014.9790-00.6649, G014.9958-00.6732, G015.013-00.674, G015.031-00.670, G015.0357-00.6795, G14.987-0.670, G15.005-0.695, G15.009-0.688, G15.012-0.671, G15.016-0.679, G15.016-0.702, G15.025-0.658, G15.026-0.654, G15.027-0.651, G15.028-0.673, G15.029-0.703, G15.03-0.67, G15.03-0.68, G15.032-0.667, G15.032-0.670, G15.034-0.667, G15.034-0.677, G15.04-0.68, G15.054-0.641, M17, M 17, M17 (2), M17 (2,3,4), M17 (234), M17 (3), M17 (4)","0")